Creating a Meaningful Career in Service of a Better World
Saturday tbd, 3-6pm
$125; $100 for full-time students (please bring student ID to the workshop)
Berkeley, CA (exact location tbd)
Register for this workshop today
Does your work fulfill you? Are you making an important contribution in line with your life’s purpose? In this experiential career coaching group, you’ll step back and look deep inside yourself to discover and experience methods, tools, and practices to put you on a more fulfilling career path.
• Identify your deeper longing, calling, and purpose
• Clarify your values and goals
• Create a vision for your ideal work and unique contribution
• Leverage your strengths, passions, and talents
• Learn how to stay grounded and deal with stress during transitions
In this workshop, you'll be guided in deepening your insight, developing new strategies, and coming up with an inspired action plan. You’ll leave excited about your new possibilities—and ready to take practical action. This is a holistic workshop, and we'll use creative inquiry, expressive arts, somatics (such as movement and grounding), journaling, guided imagery/meditation, improvisational theater and other experiential practices.
Monika Broecker, MS, MA, is a Personal Growth and Career Coach and the founder of the Center of Personal Growth. She has had a long-term career in Career Development and Learning & Leadership Development. She built and led People Management Development and the School of Personal Growth at Google, Inc. She is co-author of the most extensive biography of cybernetics pioneer Heinz von Foerster. Monika has spoken at conferences around the world, and won many awards for her groundbreaking work. She also is a Somatic Psychotherapist (Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Intern).