Building emotional capacity for effective team collaboration
This workshop was developed by Monika Broecker, building upon Google’s ground-breaking Search Inside Yourself project, which Monika who was a core-team member of.
Based upon Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence framework, Marshall Rosenberg’s concept of Non-Violent Communication as well as theories of Mindfulness, Compassion and Empathy, participants will learn simple practices to build emotional capacity and to deal with triggers, conflict and difficult situations at work.
This holistic workshop will also incorporate body-centered practices around Breath, Emotions, Presence, Intentional Purpuse, Grounding, Boundaries and Energy which can help with stress management and relaxation.
Learning outcomes: Increased self-awareness; enhanced leadership and effective teamwork skills.
Format: lecture, whole-group process, dyad and small group work.
Monika currently offers this workshop on Sunday afternoons in Berkeley
First Day: 2-4:30pm: Mindfulness-based Emotional Intelligence
Second Day: 2-4:30pm: Non-Violent Communication
Third Day: 4/27/2013: 2-4:30pm: Group Process
Cost: $50 per meeting (=$150 for entire series); $40 for students ($120 for entire series).
Price includes one 15 minute private mini coaching session.
Monika also offers this workshop for any organization/team upon request. Please email [email protected] if you are interested in bringing this workshop to your organization or team. Corporate pricing will apply.
Monika Broecker, MS, MA, is a Personal Growth and Career Coach and the founder of the Center of Personal Growth. She has had a long-term career in Career Development and Learning & Leadership Development. She built and led People Management Development and the School of Personal Growth at Google, Inc. She is co-author of the most extensive biography of cybernetics pioneer Heinz von Foerster. Monika has spoken at conferences around the world, and won many awards for her groundbreaking work. She also is a Somatic Psychotherapist (Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist).